速報APP / 生產應用 / MindBoard ( for S Pen )

MindBoard ( for S Pen )





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:406 4-1811 Hirabari Tenpaku-ku, Nagoya, Japan 468-0011

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖1)-速報App

This is a simple handwriting mind mapping app for tablets.

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖2)-速報App

# User Guide

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖3)-速報App

* https://mindboard.github.io/mindboard-user-guide/

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖4)-速報App

# Key Features

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖5)-速報App

* Freehand / handwriting mind mapping

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖6)-速報App

* Map : zoom and scroll , node collapsing and expanding

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖7)-速報App

* Pen : multiple colours and multiple weight

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖8)-速報App

* Branch : multiple colours

MindBoard ( for S Pen )(圖9)-速報App

* Multipule undo / redo

* PDF/PNG export

* Theme Editor, Color Scheme is editable.

* It's tested on Galaxy Tab A with S-Pen.

Your question or comment will be much appreciated.

* Contact Information : https://www.mindboardapps.com/contact.html